Sunday, March 1, 2015

Herb Bundles for prayer and blessings
Your sacred songs and/or chants (sacred breath)
Collected fresh herbs
Cotton string (embroidery thread is nice)

I purify and protect his space, 
Bringing forth wealth and love,
Joy and light enters this place~
So below and above~
 Please note, Only use herbs you can grow or source sustainably, and use respect when gathering. If you feel the energy is not right to collect herbs from the plants, then don't. White sage is in danger of being over harvested.
My process for finding the plants is not always simple. I grow the herbs I use in sage bundles. This is how I make them, I am sure there are many ways to make bundles, but this is how I do them generally. You can add dried herbs and/or resins to the middle in fine powders.Once in a while I add an essential oil to herbs as well, something like peru balsam or benzoin.

About the ingredients:
Grown in the garden, the tobacco plant was one  that came from an unknown source. She just started to grown in the garden. I do not remember planting a seed, but up she came to offer her blessings. Her aroma is strong and her leaves are sticky, with beautiful white flowers that stand tall  over all of her sisters.  This wandering seed grew to her fullest and i fully enjoy watching her grow. Next to the Tobacco, is my white sage, I had tried growing many times before, but this is the first time I have gotten this plant to really thrive.  Maybe the sage thrives next to the tobacco? Who knows, they grow in separate pots, but close to each other. Happily producing fragrance on this sunny California day. I gently cut the bottom stems with leaves to make my bundles. For the tobacco I gather the bottom leaves, some are big, and some are bug bitten, but I keep the fresh tops on the plant to produce more leaves. Wormwood is my hearty silver haired fairy in the garden. She morphs into a tiny woman, and back into her plant form all the time. The secrets this plant has! They are as old as that tiny woman! She has that gentle strength we need in this world. I take a few sprigs from this lovely bushy plant and add to my basket of bundle making herbs. I find lavender to be overpowering in many things, and my lavender has a strong personality. A small amount is all that's needed for this bundle. This particular lavender plant has been with me for almost 10 years. Originally she was brought home in a pot, and eventually she broke out of the pot and sunk her roots deep within the earth. I can still find fragments of that damned pot in the soil around her. This one has survived while many other plants have died, through drought and through floods. Lavender just grows in this spot well. 

 Serendipitous discovery of ancient and sacred secrets kept safe in the arms of grandmother, while endurance and fortitude create well being and joyful existence in a world of uncertainty. Beautiful mystery that is everywhere, guiding and shining light on our path.

First I make a bouquet of herbs and tie of the bottom stems with your cotton thread. You can choose a color of significance to you , often red is a great color to use because it is such a power color. Flowing life blood, menstrual blood, nutrient rich and warm. Red is my number one color for wrapping sage. Though, I can say I have used all colors, and in a snap used other plants to wrap my bundles~ Sometimes it is a matter of using what you have, and that is powerful. You don't have to buy anything new to make these! I often lightly coat the threads in essential oils too, singing songs with the herbs as I wrap them.

"Fertility surrounds me, strength flows through me, we are Blessed, Protected and Sacred!"
I start at the bottom stem, and just spiral up and back down again, tying them off with thread to let them hang. 

Depending on humidity, they may take more or less time to dry. I enjoy to having the bundles all around the house and in special places (all in the shade so as not to damage the plants) they are protective amulets for the house and their power can grow, when I feel they are ready, I might give them as a gift to someone in need or burn them in a prayer offering.

Please note, it is important to not overdo bundles. Only use herbs you can grow or source sustainably, and use respect when gathering. If you feel the energy is not right to collect herbs from the plants, then don't.

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