Massage and Letting Go.
At a Party this past weekend, I was speaking with someone and was asked the question or how do I release or avoid negative energy that I get from my clients when I am working Massage.
The Massage Therapists job is Physical, you are a bodyworker. There is energy work involved, but with Massage, you are trying to release negative attachments from the body. There is no avoiding the work you are doing, you are there to "let it go" so to speak. These are often emotional pieces of ourselves that finds a place to attach in our muscles and bones. If we have a body, typically, you are in that body. Pain can effect you spiritually, in a negative or positive way, but we all have our challenges in life, how we deal with that is up to us. Emotions will cause us to tense our shoulders, arch our backs, and crunch our faces in disgust or pure joy.
There is always some energy exchange when we meet someone. I almost always know if I am intrigued with someone, feel like we can become good friends or that I would be fine to have them as an aquantance. I am a very adaptable person, I can shift to meet my clients where they need me, if they are going through A time of great suffering, I will meet them there, If they are going through a time of joy, I will be there. I would never ask them to meet me in the place I am at, because that is not what I am there for. I am offering my work, to release the residual tensions of emotional, physical and spiritual attachments.
It's a little complicated, many times it is hard to explain in the limited range of words that we use, its intuition and having the Goddess guide me to the right places for where my client needs me right now.
When I am offering my body working skills to a client I am acting as a conduit, Releasing their negative energy and giving it back to the earth. Taking their muscles and offering energy/blood/nervous system flow. This effects everything, it may be painful, or feel good, sometimes the damage is great and there is no feeling. It is the connection to our bodies, it is why we are alive.
In Lomi lomi massage I have learned that in our role as body worker, we are also healing ancestral pain, the pain that lies in the bones. This can manifest itself through our actions, causing us to hurt ourselves physically because of the energies involved in our bloodlines. Overexerting and exhausting ourselves because we feel like the ones before us did not do enough, and we must make up for their lack of action. Or it could just be the opposite...
While I am a conduit, also, the energies are sticky, they want to attach to something...
Often I need to take salt water baths, receive massage and Meditate to release these bits of other peoples sticky energy and my own. If I don't, I am not actively taking part in my healing, and it would be difficult for me to suggest to others to do the same.
Sticky Energy is difficult...
It won't always leave in one or ten sessions, it might not be that it ever will in this case, but it is my job as the therapist to at least put that spark of healing within the person I am working on. That they may find the right tools to heal themselves. That is my magic, is that they find the best healing available to them.
Recently at the Northern California Womens Herbal Symposium I volunteered my time as a bodyworker, and with great joy was able to trade for a few massages from amazing women. I received a massage from a woman who specialized in Arvigo Mayan Belly Massage, a deeply emotional and therapeutic work. There was some heavy emotional release going on, then I felt bad I was dumping this out with so much intensity! I had worked for the weekend, picking up and releasing all weekend, as well as my own energy (belly massage makes me a little uncomfortable, which means I need it!) I asked her, "How do you deal with the energies you pick up when doing massage?" She told me for every hour of massage she does, she meditates for 10 minutes with an element. Going to a river and letting it take the energy to be recycled, letting the bonfire burn away the energy to be transformed, Sitting on a windy mountain and breathing out anything that that you do not need, or digging in the earth and letting the soil receive the shit, to make it into flowers. That was powerful to me, so now I employ it into my life. This is not just for therapists, but really for everyone. We are always contacting these sticky, unwanted energies. The best thing we can do is release. Take that Emotional Laxative and let that shit out.
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