Thursday, March 12, 2015

Healing !

I've forgotten how horrible it is to get sick. The amount of energy you take just in getting well takes up every second of your day. You can't afford to be overexerting yourself and you need to be on top of your healing regimen. This past week I was hit with the worst and longest lasting sore throat/sinus/ear pain I can remember ever having. Usually I get over a sore throat in a day or two, but this was the mother of all sore throat pain and it radiated to the ears, and eventually my bronchioli. I was starting to get scared at this point, I needed to up the dosage of my herbs considerably. I was drinking plenty of hot marshmallow root/elderberry tea and honey, but was not giving myself the dose of herbs I needed. When I noticed considerable relief was when I took a full dose of herbs every hour. I have many tinctures. I find these are the best way to preserve herbs, a tincture will last forever.  Some that I have made and some that I get through my work through reliable companies.
I took Phytocillin from the company Herbs Etc. This has Usnea lichen, yerba mansa root, propolis gum, echinacea angustifolia root, licorice root, oregon grape root and hops strobile extracted with 70% grain alcohol, purified water and vegetable glycerine. This is great for boosting the immune system, as well as helping with sinus and calming a cough. 
Fenuthyme, a good old standby that I always keep on hand from Natures Way. Its basic, and works really great for congested lungs.  I'll take 4 at a time every 1-2 hours. Helps make a cough more productive so you don't sit there hacking for an hour with no relief. I make my own Lung Tonic that has Osha root, Coltsfoot and Mullein, Elecampane and thyme in an alcohol tincture. I also make my own Fire Cider with Horseradish and tons of ginger and onion. I make Hot and spicy soups and teas to help with the pain, and I went through a couple pounds of local honey in the week I was sick to mix with my teas and hot toddys.  (I make a mean Elderberry liquor with Macieira brandy, honey, pineapple juice and of course a generous helping of Elderberries, just add a shot to hot water and sip.) Luckly, I think ahead and many of these preparations were made well ahead of time. 

Over the weekend I went to my Covens annual ordination retreat. I was only able to attend one day but I was not going to miss it.  I am on my year of Sabbatical and I am making big changes for this year. While I am not doing much public work, I am doing a lot of cleansing, both internal and in my life. I am dedicated to Hekate through CAYA and this years ordination was a great time to look at what my dedications mean to me in the public sphere and what I wish to manifest from that. Plus I got to see many people that I have not seen in Months, attend some great ritual and get some fresh air from the Redwoods. A whole new hive emerged and I am proud to say this is a Hive with so many talents! It's always nice to see who everyone dedicates to and makes it "official" within the coven. 
As for me I had a whole ritual plan for heading to the beach that weekend, but I was far too sick to carry it out. (There is always beach time for the Sunday after ordination retreat) So I gave it a rain check and eventually later that week found myself on the beach for some intense healing magic. 

On my way home from retreat I picked up some fresh roots to make a healing broth: 

Fresh Ginger root, Turmeric and Burdock - Slice em thin and make a strong broth by adding good water, (you may want to add chopped garlic and onion) You can blend these in a blender as well and eat the bits or strain them off. I will add pineapple juice and honey to get it lukewarm after it is off the stove. Sip this concoction. I like to make my onion syrup separate, but it does not taste too terrible when mixed together. 

Vibrational sound therapy was another helpful tool. The vibrations of a drum, Guitar or a singing bowl when played can help shake up mucus and lift spirits. I played these every day with focus on my lungs , soothing away inflammation and blockages. I massaged my throat with White Flower oil and Mobility Oil from my colleague Betty (its got comfrey, st johns and many other wonderful additions) I made a mix of neem powder and coconut oil and rubbed it all over my body, including my hair and scalp, then I took a shower as hot as I could stand, with a plug in the the bathtub to draw a bath. I added seasalts and essential oils, breathed that in.  (If I had some Food grade Hydrogen peroxide and Ginger powder I would have done that in the bath as well!) I DID gargle with a hydrogen peroxide mouthwash called Coolsense.

Then My friend Jodi came to town to visit from Arizona. She is one of my first Natural healing teachers and a very good friend. She was only in town for a few days, so when I started to feel good enough to leave the house we went to one of our favorite beaches in Pescadero. She had mentioned something about Iodine being a good remedy for sore throats, and It was something I had been thinking about taking for a while. "Lets stop at New Leaf Market then!" I knew which one I wanted, and I got the Tri-Iodine in 12.5 mg. and we got some hot soups and Extra Ginger Beer. It was a warm day, lightly overcast, and beautiful. This beach is covered in gemstones, sea worn glass and shells, it is a beautiful place of healing. 

We parked and there was a rather large Raven there to great us. We caawed back at said Corvid and began to walk down the path to our spot. Jodi began to set up a stone grid on the beach, then she told me to lay down in it, with as much skin touching rock as was comfortable.  She put her healing intention into her grid, and placed rocks where she saw were my "problem areas". She had me lie there for a while, listening to the waves and taking in the salty air. The rocks and their placement brought awareness to these hurting areas and helped to facilitate my healing. It was warm enough to lay there in my tank top, so I was not chilled or otherwise uncomfortable. 

I left offerings for the ocean, my gratitude for her work with me in Caya, and asking for strength in my life at this time.  We then built a Yoni labyrinth from the grid rocks. Jodi and I each took turns walking the labyrinth with our thoughts of rebirth, renewal and peace.

As of today I feel much better, I have most of my voice back and that horrible sore throat is gone! Thank Goddess!

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