Sunday, March 4, 2012

Making Change.

Real change comes through evolution, it comes with hard work, and sacrifice. In my own growth as a High Priestess and person, I set the stage for my growth within community.

This will be hard for me to write out, so forgive me if it makes absolutely no sense at all to the casual reader.

There have been low points in my life that I often attributed to me deserving it. Being told throughout my life that all of the pain and suffering of the world is because of Eve and now I will suffer for it because, somehow; I deserve to suffer. I menstruate, I give birth, I have breasts and a Vagina. All of the beautiful parts of me have been demoralized and perverted. And somehow, this is all My fault. When I went into the hospital to give birth, alone, scared and young. I was not treated with compassion or respect. I was asked right away to show my proof of insurance, they assumed, I had none. I was interrogated, "you might as well tell me what drugs you are on because we will test you!". They injected me and prodded me, all "standard procedure" of course, though I don't know how the hurtful words come into standard procedure. Once my doctor confirmed that I was her patient for the last 3 years the staff changed (I had asked they be removed from my room, and I was moved to a nicer room anyway). I was soon wheeled off to surgery to have my son cut out of my belly. I felt very alone and I cried the whole time. When my son cried for the first time I laughed, it sounded like he cried "Maamaaa!". It was the best and worst moment of my life. I had no one there to comfort me or be my council. no one there to tell me "it's going to be Ok" Instead the people I had put my trust in, had hurt me in a way that was life-changing.
I know they were wrong for treating me this way, but the pain is still there, and when I think of that time, I still cry like I was on that table being cut open again.
Flash forward to me meeting up with Rabbit and becoming a High Priestess. I was not really that interested in "women-only naked ritual". I thought that would just set me up for disaster! I had been a Priestess in The Wildflower tradition for a few years before I decided to train to become an Amazon Priestess. It was not an easy decision for me to make. But the Change was good. I sat and shared stories with my sisters of heartache and success in the world, of what its like to be a mother and even discuss menstruation in all of its details. This does not make us who we are, but it is a part of us.
Now, I invite change, I wish for it. I enjoy the light of the moon and when the tide pulls back, I look for all the new treasures in the sand. My painful experiences are not all my fault, they are not any one persons fault, but I can grow from them. This Tribe of women will continue to evolve and create healing for the World.

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